Short for: ‘Autonomi Network Token’, an ERC20 standard token that will be distributed (see ‘Token Allocation’), as well as spent and earned by using and/or supporting the Autonomi Network. A ‘$’ sign maybe used in front of it to indicate that it is a cryptocurrency.
An autonomous data network built on the Autonomi Protocol that supports a rich application ecosystem to be created by developers and enjoyed by participants.
Autonomi Foundation
Often referred to just as the Foundation. A Swiss non-profit that facilitates, supports, funds and promotes the research and development of the Protocol, as well as enables the ongoing delivery, maintenance and adoption of the Network and its technologies. Formerly known as the Safe Network Foundation.
Autonomi Protocol
Often referred to just as the Protocol. A collection of open source algorithms, libraries and components that allows computers to form an autonomous data network
Arbitrum One
A layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum, enhancing speed and reducing costs for transactions while maintaining Ethereum's security.
Not time-dependent. A system that supports asynchronicity should come to consensus no matter what order the various messages arrive in.
Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Distributed Key Generation (BLS-DKG)
A cryptographic system that authenticates the sender of a message, allows for multiple parties to quickly come to a consensus, and can enable multi-signature transactions and n-of-k credentials
Byzantine Fault Tolerance
The ability of a decentralized network to function properly even if up to a third of the nodes (plus 1) is corrupt or faulty
Encrypted digital ‘cheque’ for a given value containing all the necessary information for the owner of the associated secret key to spend that value.
Nodes joining and leaving the Network
An immutable data type
Software that allows users to connect to the Network and make use of its services
Close Group
A Close Group is a small number of nodes that look after a specific piece of data, and that only exist as a group for that specific data. This system of close groups allows nodes to act independently, but together to form a strong autonomous global network, capable of storing and retaining data in perpetuity.
Data structures that obey certain mathematical rules which ensure that when multiple versions of data exist across a distributed network, eventually these will always converge onto one ‘true’ version
Data map
A record of content chunks and their corresponding locations on the Network. Only users in possession of the data map can recreate the file
Data payment
A one-time payment made upfront for data storage, distributed to Nodes as Resource Supply Rewards.
Distributed hash table
A map of where data is stored on a distributed network
FIAT currency is money declared by a government to be legal tender, not backed by a physical commodity. "Fiat" comes from Latin, meaning "let it be done," indicating it’s value by decree.
Fault detection
Detecting nodes that are acting suspiciously and removing them from the routing table.
A libp2p publish/subscribe system whereby peers congregate around topics they are interested in by subscribing to them.
A distributed hash table (DHT) protocol which provides a way for millions of computers to self-organize into a network.
L2 / Layer 2
A scaling solutions built on top of a blockchain (Layer 1) to increase transaction speed and reduce costs.
A Kademlia-based open source peer-to-peer networking framework.
A cryptocurrency token, created during a crowd-sale (or ICO) in April 2014, that will be exchangeable, on a 1:1 basis for Autonomi's native token once the Network is live. There are both Omni (MAID) and ERC-20 (EMAID) variants of MaidSafeCoin.
Maximum Supply
Total number of whole Autonomi Network Tokens created over the Network’s lifetime: 1,200,000,000 (1.2 Billion) tokens.
A unique locator for a peer that encodes multiple networking protocols into a single address
A mutable CRDT data type for mapping keys to multiple values.
Native Token
A non-blockchain token running on Autonomi to be introduced after the early phase/launch of The Network.
A machine that connects with others using Autonomi's Protocol to form the Network.
Node Network Reserve
18% of data payments (up to 10% of maximum supply) are sent to this allocation for node operators. This allocation will be used to support payments to nodes should the network upload values experience volatility. If the Node Network Reserve holds 10% of the network’s Maximum Supply of tokens, 18% payment reduces to 2%, with the 2% payment burned (removed from Maximum Supply).
A system that rewards nodes based on the quality of the service they provide, making it economically disadvantageous for them to misbehave
Proof of Work
The consensus algorithm used by the Bitcoin blockchain and others to confirm that transactions are valid and to deter attacks.
Proof of Stake
The consensus algorithm used by the Etherum blockchain and others in which voting power is proportional to wealth.
A mutable CRDT data type.
RPC (Remote Procedure Call) endpoint
Allows a program to execute code or perform operations on a remote system as if it were a local function call. RPC is designed to hide the details of the network communication from the programmer. You call a function as if it's local, but it's executed remotely.
Resource Supply Rewards
Payment to the operators of resource-providing nodes in return for storing data. Also referred to as Data Payments.
Safe Network
The former name for Autonomi
Content uploaded to the Autonomi is broken up into chunks. These chunks are then hashed, encrypted locally using the AES-256 encryption algorithm and the hashes of neighbouring chunks. Because content is encrypted and decrypted locally, there is no need for keys to leave the user’s machine.
Transaction information stored on the Network.
An indirect mechanism of coordination between actors, in which the trace of an action stimulates the performance of a subsequent action.
Storage Reward Rate
An adjustable factor that determines the rate of pay of participating nodes; it is increased when more storage is needed, decreased when there is an excess of storage space
The Autonomi Network Token (’ANT’), and then the ‘Native’ Token of Autonomi, are earned by storing data and spent by uploading data. For purposes of this white paper and ahead of the launch of Autonomi, may simply be referred to as ‘tokens’.
Token Generation Event (TGE)
The Token Generation Event represents both the Genesis of the Autonomi Network Token and the point at which its distribution begins.
Tokens Emissions
240,000,000 tokens, representing 20% of the Maximum Supply, will be emitted at a diminishing rate over a period of 12 years.
A monetary transaction on the Network.
XOR address
A unique 256-bit number; every entity on the Network has an XOR address
Last updated