Anything stored on the Network is encrypted in a way that not even a quantum computer can break it. And it is end-to-end encrypted in transit too. This means you get all the benefits of the cloud, but without your data hitting the Internet. That also means no one can watch or track your use of the Network either.
Autonomi uses a novel approach called . Not only does this mean that your data is secure and private, it means your personal information never needs to touch the Internet. It's securely reassembled for you only within your own device when you are ready to use it, and then leaves no trace when you are done.
Autonomi takes the idle capacity of everyday devices to form the Internet's crowd storage layer. Private, secure, decentralized infrastructure that's powered by us all.
Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Google… they reign supreme. Walled gardens encircling a vast proportion of the world's data. Yet we've lost sight of the power on our desks and in our pockets.
The empty storage of internet-connected devices dwarfs what the tech giants can serve. We've all got underutilised assets laying dormant while corporations continue to pour concrete, lay cables, and rack servers.
It's time to harness that spare capacity and make a global resource that's owned by everyone.
Zero-knowledge: The Network's protocol employs multilayered encryption, protecting the privacy of users data both during storage and during transit. Nodes cannot determine the content, nor origin of data they hold or transmit, even if it is their own,
No tracking: Thanks to its various encryption schemes, tracking and surveillance of browsing and data usage patterns—commonplace business practice on the incumbent web—is no longer possible. Privacy is by default.
Self-Sovereign: Users of the Network have sovereignty over their personal data, and can maintain and control access to it, while still making use of rich and accessible services and software.
No Password Hacks: Passwords and credentials never leave your computer when accessing and decrypting data. You only need a single set of credentials while interacting with an unlimited number of services, businesses, identities, or contexts of use.
Autonomi is assembled from a multitude of connected devices, of all shapes and sizes. It's deliberately designed to allow even the smallest computers to be able to contribute, rather than just relying on enterprise data centres. It runs on commodity hardware.
Not only does this make the most of humanity's spare resources—which is better for the planet—but it means it’s inherently more decentralized and secure, thanks to the millions of devices able to participate.
And it's a breeze to get involved.
Thanks to the nature of its design, with all data broken into chunks, encrypted, and randomly distributed, it means there's no red tape, no complicated setup, no paperwork, and no prohibitive capital requirements.
Just allocate your spare storage space and be rewarded directly by the Network.
Autonomi's core data network is a form of Decentralized Ledger Technology (DLT) that doesn't utilise nor require a blockchain to function, so it's able to sidestep many of the obstacles to scaling inherent in other solutions.
It's designed from the ground up for data, and serving people's needs at a global scale, without the bottlenecks.
The bigger it gets, the more it can do.
Autonomi is designed to make use of under-utilized and otherwise squandered resources of everyday connected devices; creating a common data storage resource that can be put to work serving individuals and communities regardless of location.
Thanks to the protocol’s design, all files uploaded to the Network are automatically de-duplicated, yet still benefit from the security and performance benefits of redundant replication since a number of copies of each data chunk are always maintained.
Security for everyone's vital data, and the best use of precious resources.
A one-time payment provides long-term security and no ongoing charges. You pay once when you upload a file and it's stored for the lifetime of the Network. No contract re-negotiations, no losing access if you miss a payment.
Simple, secure, perpetual storage.
Not only does this allow you to escape the cloud and its spiralling costs, it's vital for giving you true sovereignty over your own data, your digital life, and legacy.
Autonomi combines the spare capacity of everyday devices to form a new, autonomous, data and communications layer of the Internet.
It allows you to securely store data, communicate, access knowledge, build businesses, run services, and create new futures without the intervention of any middlemen or gatekeepers. It's designed to give people complete sovereignty over their personal data, yet still allow rich and scalable software platforms and user experiences to be built on top.
Decentralized, distributed and quantum encrypted; it means security, privacy, and lifetime storage of the world's most precious data—including yours.
The Network will give people autonomy over their digital lives, allowing them to participate in the connected economy, regardless of their location, status, or access to capital. It's designed for mass collaboration between humans, between machines, and between humans and machines—critically, without the distorting effects of endemic data insecurity, siloing of knowledge, inefficient markets, and limited accessibility.
In order to do this, and accomplish it in a way suitable for human-scale use, Autonomi has been built from the first principle of secure and private data, and in such a way that the performance of the network scales with size. Not only is data de-duplicated and redundantly replicated, but it's quantum-proof encrypted, before it even leaves an end user's computer. That means that no personal information ever touches the internet—and neither does any information relating to how, where, or when you choose to access it.