
Chunks are native data types in the Autonomi Network:

  • Size: 4MB of raw bytes

  • Content-addressed: Address is the hash of its content

  • Immutable & self-verifiable: Once stored, data cannot be modified, and its integrity can be verified by computing the hash and comparing it to the address.

Client Methods

  • chunk_get Retrieves a chunk from the network by its address.

  • chunk_put Uploads a chunk to the network with payment handling. Returns the total cost and the chunk's address.

  • chunk_cost Estimates the storage cost for a chunk.


use autonomi::Client;
use autonomi::client::payment::PaymentOption;
use autonomi::client::chunk::{Chunk, Bytes};
use test_utils::evm::get_funded_wallet;
use eyre::Result;

async fn chunk_put_example() -> Result<()> {
    // initialize a local client and test wallet
    let client = Client::init_local().await?;
    let wallet = get_funded_wallet();

    // create a Chunk with some data
    let chunk = Chunk::new(Bytes::from("Hello, world!"));

    // Estimate cost
    let cost = client.chunk_cost(chunk.address()).await?;
    println!("Chunk cost: {cost}");

    // Upload chunk with payment
    let payment_option = PaymentOption::from(&wallet);
    let (put_cost, addr) = client.chunk_put(&chunk, payment_option).await?;
    assert_eq!(addr, *chunk.address());
    println!("Chunk put cost: {put_cost}");

    // Allow time for replication

    // Retrieve and verify the chunk
    let got = client.chunk_get(&addr).await?;
    assert_eq!(got, chunk.clone());
    println!("Chunk retrieved successfully");

Last updated