Pointers are native data types in the Autonomi Network that provide an indirection mechanism for referencing to any data.
key-addressed: Network address is derived from a BLS public key
Generic target: Can reference any native data type including pointers
Pay-once, free updates: Unlimited updates for free
Versioned & signed: Includes a version counter and cryptographically verifiable signatures
Client Methods
pointer_get Retrieves a pointer from the network by its address.
pointer_create Creates and uploads a new pointer for a payment. Returns the total cost and the pointer's address.
pointer_update Updates an existing pointer with a new target.
pointer_cost Estimates the storage cost for a pointer.
pointer_put Only use this when you know what you are doing. Else use pointer_create and pointer_update. Manually uploads a pointer to the network for a payment. Returns the total cost and the pointer's address.
Last updated