
GraphEntry is a native data type in the Autonomi Network:

  • key-addressed: Network address is derived from a BLS public key

  • Size: 32 bytes of content per entry

  • Immutable: Once created, it cannot be changed

  • Directed Graph: Can reference parent entries and descendant entries (with 32 bytes of metadata per descendant)

  • Signed: Owned and signed by a key for cryptographic verification

Client Methods

  • graph_entry_get Retrieves a GraphEntry from the network by its address.

  • graph_entry_put Uploads a GraphEntry to the network with payment handling.

  • graph_entry_cost Estimates the storage cost for a GraphEntry.


use autonomi::Client;
use autonomi::client::payment::PaymentOption;
use autonomi::client::graph::GraphEntry;
use eyre::Result;

async fn graph_entry_example() -> Result<()> {
    // initialize a local client and test wallet
    let client = Client::init_local().await?;
    let wallet = get_funded_wallet();

    // create a GraphEntry with some content
    let key = autonomi::SecretKey::random();
    let content = [42u8; 32]; // 32 bytes of 42s
    let graph_entry = GraphEntry::new(&key, vec![], content, vec![]);

    // estimate the cost of the graph_entry
    let cost = client.graph_entry_cost(&key.public_key()).await?;
    println!("graph_entry cost: {cost}");

    // put the graph_entry
    let payment_option = PaymentOption::from(&wallet);
    let (cost, addr) = client
        .graph_entry_put(graph_entry.clone(), payment_option)
    println!("graph_entry put cost: {cost}");

    // wait for the graph_entry to be replicated

    // check that the graph_entry is stored
    let entry = client.graph_entry_get(&graph_entry.address()).await?;
    assert_eq!(entry, graph_entry.clone());

    // try to put a graph entry linking to the first graph entry
    let key2 = autonomi::SecretKey::random();
    let content2 = [41u8; 32];
    let graph_entry2 = GraphEntry::new(&key2, vec![graph_entry.owner], content2, vec![]);

    // put the graph_entry
    let payment_option = PaymentOption::from(&wallet);
    let (cost, addr) = client
        .graph_entry_put(graph_entry2.clone(), payment_option)
    println!("graph_entry2 put cost: {cost}");

    // wait for the graph_entry to be replicated

    // check that the graph_entry is stored
    let entry2 = client.graph_entry_get(&graph_entry2.address()).await?;
    assert_eq!(entry2, graph_entry2.clone());


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