Distribution of the Genesis Supply

When the Network is launched, a Genesis Supply of 1,288,490,189 tokens will be created. This is 30% of the Maximum Supply. These tokens will be distributed as follows:

MaidSafeCoin Holders

After the launch of the Network, holders of MaidSafeCoin will be entitled to swap their coins for the new Autonomi token on a 1:1 basis.

This applies to both the original coins issued on the Omni layer (MAID) and the ERC-20 version (eMAID).

Holders of MaidSafeCoin will collectively be allocated 452,552,412 tokens. That's 10.536806937% of the Maximum Supply.

What is MaidSafeCoin?

MaidSafeCoin is a proxy token issued as part of a crowd-sale (or ICO) in April of 2014 that supported the development of the Network. In fact this was only the second ever ICO, and sold out in a matter of hours.

It was accompanied by the publication of the original project white paper.

This is an increase from the allocation of 10% described in the original project white paper, accounting for an additional 23,055,683 MaidSafeCoins issued during the crowd sale. Tokens will be distributed to MaidSafeCoin holders in the form of an airdrop, with each MaidSafeCoin entitling the bearer to one Network token.

MaidSafe Shareholders

Each company share of Maidsafe.net Limited will entitle the bearer to 105.8221941 tokens, resulting in shareholders being allocated 214,748,365 tokens. This is 5% of the Maximum Supply.

Any unclaimed shareholder funds will be held by the Foundation for a period of seven years following the inception of the Network, after which these tokens will be transferred to the Network Royalties Pool.

Network Royalties Pool

Out of the Genesis Supply, 621,189,412 tokens will be allocated to a Network Royalty Pool and distributed as Network Royalties. This is 14.463193063% of the Maximum Supply.

This initial Royalties Pool will be split into the following funds:

Core Contributors

The allocation for Core Contributors will be distributed to individuals and teams responsible for developing and maintaining Autonomi and its protocol. All tokens designated for Core Contributors will undergo a lockup period with gradual unlocking. Core Contributors will be allocated 27.6% of the Genesis Network Royalties Pool.

Seed Fund

The Seed Fund aims to assist developers with promising ideas for applications in turning their imaginations into reality on Autonomi. This allocation, which primarily targets early-stage projects, will initially be administered through a grants program operated by the Foundation.

The Seed Fund will be allocated 13.8% of the Genesis Network Royalties Pool.

Impact Fund

The Impact Fund aims to reward projects that have generated significant positive impact on the Network and its community retrospectively. This fund allows for the recognition of projects without necessarily generating profit from users. It facilitates the development of non-profit core applications to enable an active and feature-rich ecosystem. The Impact Fund will be allocated 20.7% of the Genesis Network Royalties Pool.

Data Fund

The Data Fund is intended to reward data producers whi provide useful data to the network, opening up possibilities for a wide array of data-intensive applications with Autonomi. The Data Fund will be allocated 10.3% of the Genesis Network Royalties Pool.

Partner Fund

The Partner Fund will be distributed to strategic partners by the Autonomi Foundation to foster ecosystem growth.

The Data Fund will be allocated 13.8% of the Genesis Network Royalties Pool.

Unallocated Fund

The Unallocated Fund will serve to cover various costs essential for the growth and operation of the Network. The Unallocated Fund will make up the remaining 13.8% of the Genesis Network Royalties Pool.

Last updated