From a Software Wallet
How to convert from eMAID to ANT if your coins are on a software wallet, such as MetaMask.
Last updated
How to convert from eMAID to ANT if your coins are on a software wallet, such as MetaMask.
Last updated
Go to the eMAID contract address on Etherscan
Click on Contract, then select Write as Proxy.
Connect your ETH wallet holding eMAID using Connect to Web3.
In the burn dropdown, enter the number of tokens to burn and confirm the transaction.
Your ANT tokens will be airdropped to the same ETH wallet from which you burned your eMAID. The number of tokens received will match the number of burned tokens 1:1. Please be patient, as this is on a set schedule.
In order to see the ANT in your wallet, make sure to and .
The MaidSafeCoin Conversion process is not yet open. It will begin on February 4th, 2025 after an official announcement. Do not begin the process, nor burn your coin until the announcement.
The following pages have been published to allow you to familiarise yourself with the process, ask questions, and give feedback prior to the it starting.