When adding nodes using the Node Manager CLI tool, you must specify an Ethereum Wallet Address to receive earned tokens along with—during Beta—the Arbitrum Sepolia network.
evm-arbitrum-sepolia must be added at the end. This is the blockchain we are using for data payments and keeping track of rewards during this phase of Beta.
Full list of arguments
As a reminder, here's the full list of args your can include when adding nodes:
antctladd (with thefollowingargs)--count<#ofnodes> =>Ifnotspecified,onlyasinglenodeisadded--rewards-address<yourethereumwalletaddress>evm-arbitrum-sepolia =>Mustbespecifiedtostoreyourearnedattos.Note:thisisalsotheaddresswhereyourrewardswillbepaidaftertheTGEinafterJanuary2025.--data-dir-path<path> =>optional,ifyouhaveasecondharddiskwhereyouwanttostorethedatato.--log-dir-path<path> =>optional,pathtostorethelogfiles.--home-network =>optional,ifyou're behind a NAT/home router/without port forwarding --upnp => optional, if you have enabled upnp in your router, mutually exclusive with home-network --node-port <single/range of ports> => If --home-network or --upnp is not provided, then you have to portforward a set of ports and provide them here. We accept a single port i.e., 12000 or a range i.e., 12000-12010. The number of ports here should match the number of nodes speicified using --count --enable-metrics-server => optional, if you want the stats to be displayed inside the launchpad