Reset Your Nodes
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Last updated
Occasionally, you might need to reset the Nodes on your device. This might be if they have stopped functioning properly or if it's needed to update their code.
Download the latest version of the Node Launchpad
Open the launchpad and Press O to access the Options screen.
Press Ctrl + R
Type the word reset
and Press Enter.
Your nodes will reset and refresh in the background. Sometimes this can take a few moments.
Press Q to Launchpad, and then re-open it
Press Ctrl + G to add your Nodes again, and Press Enter to start them
Here's the series of commands for advanced users already using the Node Manager CLI tool: antctl
After resetting, and while adding nodes again, note the additional arguments that should be used each time depending, on your circumstances. In particular the --rewards-address
argument which allows you to attach your wallet address to each node. This is now using the Arbitum One network: